Travel day – sat on a bus, got off the bus, lined up for the toilet, got back on the bus, got off the bus… you get the picture!
Arrived at campsite at the base of the Swiss Alps – BEAUTIFUL. Was so good to be out of a city, clean air, no skyscrapers and a whole lot less bustle.
Switzerland is a unique country here are some interesting facts:
1. Very safe so much so that they don’t give you keys for the cabins
2. They accept Euro but will give you change in Swiss Francs
3. After 10pm you are not allowed to flush the toilet, use the shower or washing machine if you are in an apartment
4. They are a country of perfectionists, everywhere we went was pristine, no rubbish even their wood is stacked meticulously (apparently they even have wood stacking competitions)
5. Every Swiss male over 18 must complete 3 years of compulsory army training and then every couple of years has to go away for a month of training. This enables Switzerland to gather a fully trained Army of approx 400,000 in less than 24 hours.
6. Swiss people get a tax break for having pretty flower boxes outside their homes
7. We were out walking the first night and couldn’t figure out why we could hear noisy wind chimes and there was no wind…Fact: sheep and cows wear bells of varying sizes around their necks.
(Disclaimer: Facts may not be entirely factual, we don’t recommend you quote them word for word, perhaps check with Google first!)
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