Saturday, June 5, 2010

DAY 15 – Rome

When in Rome… This would have to be the phrase that summed up the day. Today was also a public holiday in Italy – Military day, similar to Republic/Independence day I think.

Due to the fact that it was Wednesday and the Pope was in Rome, we thought we better go and see the guy. We arrived at St Peter’s square and watched the Pope be driven around in his Pope-mobile (an oversized golf buggy) before giving his blessing. With the sun bearing down we discretely left the Pope to finish his talk (mass can take up to 3 hours) and then went with Fi - our energiser bunny tour guide, who was very passionate and informative about the amazing artwork of the great artists Michelangelo and Raphael that is housed in the Vatican City. We gazed upon the magnificent Sistine Chapel and St Peters Basilica (the biggest church in the world).

After feeding our hunger pains we took the Metro to the Colosseum. Unfortunately upon arriving at the Colosseum we had the wool pulled over our eyes and ended up paying 5 euro for 3 photos (which we took ourselves) with a couple of “Roman Guards/Gladiators”… being ripped off has never felt so cruel. L The size and architecture of the colosseum was pretty impressive, the different layers and the holding chambers underground, but it was sobering to think about the reason it was built, as an entertainment venue to watch prisoners be killed. Prisoners were captured, and then sent away for training. The better they were at fighting, the more entertaining for the crowds who came to watch.

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