Sunday, August 1, 2010

DAY 67-69 - Galway

So Captain Kurt from the Enterprise (car rentals) took us onwards and upwards through Limerick to Galway our next stop. We arrived early to our destination Snoozles hostel dripping gently onto the reception floor. Fortunately they were happy for us to wait in the common area until we could check in. We have been "blessed" with the real Irish weather. Unlike the six weeks prior to our arrival which was allegedly a heat wave and the best weather they have had all summer. Oh well the tans haven't faded too much yet. Next day we decided to do our own walking tour around the medival city. We based this around the fact there was an Arts festival in Galway with a few free shows happening. Free is always what we strive for as poor backpackers this is the holy grail. There were buskers in the streets from spray paint art,sand sculptures, singing, guitar playing to Irish tap dancers. The dancers made tap dancing look effortless and unusually very cool. But our main show we had planned to see was ....The Balloon Man!!! The photos really explain it best. It started with a bald english man in a suit, so far so good. He gets a young girl from the audience to help in out. They bow up a big balloon with great use on showmanship and jokes.

The balloon flies away to amusement of the many children watching. They try again the balloon pops, horror! What now? Luckily he has a spare one of course. So they start blowing this one up. This balloon is a little bigger about the size of... say Abby. Her height that is, not width. At this point he stands infront of the balloon and says" now this is were it gets a little weird" As crowd looks at each other you can see the question," How weird?" in their eyes. Well they were soon to discover the answer, he goes behind the balloon and takes off his pants.

Mothers move protectively towards their innocent children, who are loving this change in events. He goes back behind the balloon and removes his jacket now clothed in a "weightlifting unitard" he threatens to go back around again,

One child yells desperately "NO!!!" he goes back around and returns with a squeezy drink bottle much to the crowds relief. The music starts Mumbo no.5 and weirdness continues. He is now squeezing oil from the bottle on to his head arms and shoulders whilst prancing around to the music. What could come next? he gets in the balloon ofcourse.

...Video to come...

He dances in the ballon bouncing and twisting around the children a loving it.

Then for the grand finalle. How does he get out ? Pop the balloon ofcourse. But with a twist he manages to put on a superman costume whilst bouning around. Very impressive really, though a few hairy moments. But best of all it was free!!!

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