After much fuss over finding accommodation we finally booked into a 18-bed-mixed dorm room, which turned out to be fine, not too many smelly boys.
The biggest highlight and lowlight all in one was going up to the William Wallace Monument, where the view was great and the monument awesome except that for ages they’d had a statue there of “William Wallace” (which looked like Mel Gibson), tragically it had been taken back to the stone mason so we missed out on pictures with the manly Mel/Wallace.
Other points of interest in Stirling was that at Church they were sending a young guy Roger off from the parish to do medical work with making artificial limbs and prosthetics in Nepal. Abby was shocked at how it was a small world because that same guy had been in NZ a few years ago and stayed for a bit in the flat with Jo and her in Gore!
Also in the hostel we played a dice game with some Finish (Finland) guys (the dice game was kind of like Yahtzee). It was competitive but Finland won, and Abby managed to get their numbers so perhaps NZ had a small victory in it as wellJ
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