We have just discovered that we can change the settings so that anyone can comment on our blogs without having to sign up for a Gmail account - Hooray!
So therefore please feel free to comment at large...hint, hint, nudge,nudge!
We look forward to hearing your insightful and thought provoking input on our travels thus far.
Hugs and awkward rib rubs...
The Pack xo
Hi guys! It's the Davie Clan here! Just sending this to ask if you are having a mean time? We know that everyone here is missing you lot's! Peter came first in the agri-sports challenge today so he's pretty stoked! Have a good rest of your trip and we can't wait till you get back! Hopefully we will see you soon! Catch ya later! :) p.s Kath, Pip is missing you too and is doing fine! ;) from Kerry-Berry and Missy.